Welcome to Gifted Parenting Corner!
Like many of you, we are parents of gifted children who wanted to provide support and share our experiences in raising our children. That is why we have created this space for other parents facing the challenge of raising exceptional children.
We want to make it clear that we are not doctors or professionals in any way related to the subject. We are just parents who have lived the wonderful experience of having children with almost unique gifts and who, of course, have faced moments of uncertainty and challenges.
We know that finding resources and guidance for raising gifted children can be difficult. That’s why we created this space, hoping to fill that gap and foster a community of parents committed to the development and well-being of their gifted children.
Join us on this journey of growth and discovery, where together we will tackle the challenges and celebrate the achievements of our little geniuses. We are excited to share this journey with you and to build a supportive community of parents of gifted children.
We hope you find the content shared here useful.
And remember, people with high abilities are not rare, but few.